कम्पनी के बारे में

###Company Acquired by UOL Group in 2009### Founded in 1999 by engineers from ITA (Technical Institute of Aeronautics), BoldCron is a UOL Group company that provides services and secure solutions for online payments and electronic official receipts, adhering to, respectively, the PCI/PA-DSS and SPED standards. Motivated by the rapid expansion of the internet in Brazil, it geared up for the development of projects in online sales channels, creating franchise management systems, shopping carts and secure webmail. To guarantee the efficient attention to the demands of customers, providing critical solutions for electronic transactions with maximum agility and security, Boldcron relies on specialized professionals in the different competencies necessary for the creation and maintenance of its products, in addition to a modern IT infrastructure that includes protection against energy shortages and outages, redundancy in servers and network interfaces, "disaster recovery" policies, among other items.

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