कम्पनी के बारे में

P&P Software is a software and control engineering company established in Zurich in 2004 as a research spin-off of the Institute of Automatic Control of ETH (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). They specialize in the specification, design, and verification of software for embedded systems with high reliability and integrity requirements. They have industrial experience in the aerospace, medical instrumentation, power conversion and transportation domains. Current and past customers of P&P Software include: the European Space Agency in The Netherlands, Alenia-Spazio of Italy, Astrium GmbH of Germany, Alcatel Space of France, Roche Diagnostics AG of Switzerland, Altran AG of Switzerland, Thales-Alenia Space Switzerland and the University of Bern. P&P Software is an official sponsor of the Slax Operating System. Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system.

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