कम्पनी के बारे में

Exclusive U.S. Banking for Indians. Open a U.S. bank account in 10 minutes from India if you have an Indian Passport. Visa, Social Security Number or U.S. Address not required. Get a Mastercard Global Debit Card and a cutting-edge Mobile Banking App. Aeldra is the first neo-bank offering cross-border banking to Indians. Indians can now apply for a U.S. Bank Account with a Mastercard Debit Card from India using their Indian Passport. Using revolutionary technology based on Machine Learning Aeldra has proprietary KYC, Risk Management and Info Security capabilities to be in compliance with U.S. & Indian regulations as well as meeting the highest standards of safety and security. Aeldra's mission is to democratize global banking by providing seamless access to all. Indian citizens can open a U.S. bank account from home, and manage the account through an intuitive App.

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