Karen Vermeulen

की समीक्षा Wearevalora

2 महीने पहले

Do not work for them.

My experience has been terrible. I did work for them as a freelancer, and they paid the deposit six weeks late after I, in good faith, started working on their urgent project. They have since cancelled the project, haven't paid the balance of the invoice, and are ignoring my emails and WhatsApp messages. I'm just being completely frozen out.

टिप्पणियाँ: (1)

I've been a supplier for Wearevalora for some time now (3yrs to be exact) and I have nothing but good things to say about them. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding? In my experience working with them, any glitches have been clearly communicated with me and resolved professionally and swiftly. Am working with them on a project as we speak.

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